Why should I consider a First look?
We’ve all heard the saying “It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.” What most don’t know is that this superstition derived from the days when a marriage was either arranged or a business deal, so it was really just a way to prevent a runaway bride (or groom). 😉
That being said, despite 60% of my couples going against this tradition on their wedding day, I am not here to say whether having one is right or wrong. It’s your wedding, it’s your day, and what you decide to do is the BEST choice. You make the rules! Let grandma be the flower girl, have donuts instead of cake, or make your groom wait till the ceremony to see that beautiful face!
Sharing all the reasons why my brides chose to have one in case you’re either indecisive on the matter or unsure why brides opt to have one in the first place.
I like to call this REAL TALK WITH REAL BRIDES. I asked each one of my past brides:
- 1) What are the reasons why they chose to have a first look, and
- 2) If they have any regret doing one, now that it’s been done.
Let’s hear it ladies. What you got.

1) What are the reasons why you chose to have a first look?
When you see each other for the first time as you’re walking down the aisle, you have to hop right into the ceremony- you don’t really have a chance to just be with your person and soak it all in. We wanted to have that moment all to ourselves, and enjoy the quiet together before everything got started. In all honesty, we also couldn’t imagine not being ‘allowed’ to see each other on a day all about celebrating us. Our wedding party was such an incredible help with our DIY wedding, so it was important to us that they were able to head straight to the festivities right after the ceremony.

2) Do you have any regrets, now that it’s been done?
Nope! We would 100% do it again, Looking back, our first look was one of our absolute favorite moments (and some of our favorite photos!) from the day. When we saw each other walking down the aisle, it still felt just as special. And the wedding party definitely appreciated heading straight from the aisle to the front of the line at the bar!


1) What are the reasons why you chose to have a first look?
I was extremely nervous and I wanted to use the first look as an opportunity to be able to take deep breaths and let the jitters subside. Renz didn’t want to do a first look, because he feared it would take away from seeing me walk down the aisle. I convinced him otherwise! He did it for me! 😏

2) Any regrets?
No regrets! I was so happy we got it out of the way. It calmed my nerves, allowed me to remember more from our day and stopped emotions from taking away the memories! Also, my husband didn’t cry during the first look, but he DID when I walked down the aisle. The adrenaline of you walking down the aisle will always be there, despite having a first look or not.


1) What are the reasons why you chose to have a first look?
Danny and I helped each other find/detail our wedding day attire. We were way too excited to keep it secret, as we love to do everything together! So even though he’d seen my dress on the hanger for months, and I’d seen his suit on when we went to a tailor… there’s something entirely new and magical when it’s “the big day.” You see your fiancé all decked out, bursting with happiness. A “first look” gives a moment to pause and really soak IN that moment together, just the two of you. It might be the only time in the entire celebration that you’re not surrounded by tons of people and running around.

2) Any regrets?
Super glad that we did the first look! It felt like fireworks went off and it was such an exciting and emotional moment!


1) What are the reasons why you chose to have a First Look?
We did one because of logistics. We had initially said we wouldn’t because we wanted those feels of seeing each other for the first time walking down the aisle. Then we realized we would save over an hour of picture taking, so we opted to do one. That gave us all the more time to actually be at our wedding.

2) Any regrets?
No regrets. It definitely eased SOME nerves but you still get totally nervous walking down the aisle. And we got to dance for an extra hour. WIN WIN. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻


1) What are the reasons why you chose to have a first look?
- I wanted to get all the tears out of my system before we read our vows. I knew I would be a crying mess, and wanted to be able to keep it together during the ceremony.
- More photos! I wanted to remember that special moment and have some cute photos to cherish.
- We wanted a little bit of alone time before all the craziness began- I knew the second we were finished with the ceremony, we would be running around like maniacs! 🤪
- Our catering company put together a bomb snack tray for in-between first looks and the ceremony! 😂

2) Any regrets?
NO REGRETS! I totally support the decision after doing it! I would recommend it to everyone!

REAL TALK from REAL BRIDES: Why I Chose NOT to do a First Look- Coming Soon! 😉